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Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center in Overland Park, Kansas

Last Updated: December 15, 2023

Editorial Policy | Research Policy

Overland Park, Kansas, a bustling suburb of Kansas City, is not immune to the challenges of substance misuse. According to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, illegal fentanyl pills are an ongoing problem for Kansas City and surrounding areas, and overdose deaths from this drug are increasing.  

In 2021, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment reported over 600 overdose deaths in the state. About half of these deaths were caused by synthetic opioids like fentanyl. Opioid overdoses are a significant public health concern. However, the compassionate community in Overland Park offers many resources and recovery services to support those struggling with addiction.

There are various ways to get help with substance abuse. Programs like outpatient counseling, residential rehab, detox support and aftercare can help people get better. Additionally, the community provides prevention programs to educate and raise awareness about the dangers of substance misuse.

Our Closest Facility

The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Our nearest facility, near Overland Park, Kansas, can provide immediate help for substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders. At The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab, we understand how crucial fast, immediate support is. 

The collective efforts at our recovery center focus on providing a detailed, personalized plan for each individual. We aim not only to treat but to help you understand and fight against substance abuse. Mental health plays a vital role in this battle, and our professionals are equipped with the necessary skills to treat co-occurring illnesses.

Why choose us?

  • Conveniently located close to Overland Park, Kansas
  • Personalized treatment plan
  • Supportive and understanding staff
  • Focus on both substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders

Contact Details

Location: 11901 Jessica Ln, Raytown, MO 64138

Phone number: (816) 710-5883.

Don’t wait to start your journey toward a healthier future. Contact The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab now.

Substance Abuse Rehab Programs Near Overland Park, Kansas

At The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab, we provide a holistic approach to addiction treatment. Our team of highly-trained professionals assesses each patient’s needs and provides personalized recovery plans.

Our programs include medically assisted detox, residential and outpatient rehabilitation, counseling and therapy, aftercare planning and ongoing support. 

Medical Detox

Medical detox involves the supervised withdrawal from drugs or alcohol in a medical setting. It is typically the first step in the treatment of substance abuse and addiction. The goal of medical detox is to manage and alleviate withdrawal symptoms, ensuring the individual detoxing is as safe and comfortable as possible.

Residential Rehab

Individuals live onsite at a treatment facility for an extended period during residential rehab and receive intensive and comprehensive therapy. Individuals have 24/7 access to medical and therapeutic support, and the structured environment allows for a focus on recovery.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

As a step down from residential treatment, partial hospitalization programs (PHP) offer patients more free time and greater independence as they begin to self-manage their recovery. This level of care is more intensive than traditional outpatient programs but less restrictive than residential treatment.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Our intensive outpatient program (IOP) offers more flexibility as you step down from the intensity of residential or PHP care. Intensive outpatient programs offer a higher level of care than standard outpatient programs, providing more frequent and intensive therapy sessions.

Dual Diagnosis

Co-occurring disorders, commonly known as dual diagnosis, is a term used to describe the existence of a mental health disorder and substance use disorder (SUD) in an individual. It is essential for comprehensive treatment as each condition can exacerbate the symptoms of the other.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

MAT, short for medication-assisted treatment, is a proven method for treating substance use disorders that involves the use of medications alongside counseling and behavioral therapies. This approach provides a comprehensive and effective treatment plan that can help individuals manage their conditions.


We acknowledge that the process of recovery is a journey requiring consistent effort and assistance. That is why we offer aftercare programs and resources that aid individuals to sustain sobriety even after they leave our care. These resources include easily accessible online materials, alumni programs, and support groups within the community.

The fight against substance abuse may be tough, but with the right help and support, recovery is possible. Compassionate and comprehensive care awaits you at The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab.

Common Co-occurring Disorders in Overland Park, Kansas

Co-occurring disorders, also known as dual diagnosis, refer to a situation where an individual is experiencing both mental health disorders and substance use disorders at the same time. This is a major health challenge in Overland Park, Kansas and beyond. In the region, there are many common co-occurring disorders.

Depression and Alcohol Dependence

Depression and alcohol dependence frequently co-occur. Those struggling might turn to alcohol as a method of self-medicating, only to find that the substance exacerbates their depressive symptoms. Overland Park residents can visit The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab for comprehensive resources and support.

PTSD and Substance Abuse

Many individuals struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), particularly those in the military, may also struggle with substance abuse problems. The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab near Overland Park offers effective treatment resources for these co-occurring disorders.

Anxiety and Addiction

Anxiety disorders and drug addictions are other common co-occurrences. The stress and worry associated with anxiety disorders can often lead individuals to misuse drugs as a form of relief. The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab provides services tailored to address these complex issues.

Bipolar Disorder and Alcohol Abuse

Those with bipolar disorder may turn to alcohol in an attempt to manage their mood swings, but alcohol abuse often worsens these symptoms. Overland Park residents seeking help for this co-occurring disorder can turn to resources such as The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab.

Regardless of the specific co-occurring disorders, the most effective form of treatment is concurrent treatment of both mental health and substance use disorders. Through integrated treatment, comprehensive recovery is possible.

Recovery Resources in Overland Park, Kansas

Overland Park, Kansas, offers a wealth of resources to assist individuals and their families struggling with addiction. The following includes state, local and government resources as well as details about our closest facility, The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab.

These resources provide a range of services, including prevention, treatment and recovery support, to help individuals and families affected by drug and alcohol addiction.

About Overland Park, Kansas

Overland Park is a popular suburb in Kansas City with a population of over 190,000. It offers excellent schools, a thriving economy and recreational attractions. This makes the area a balanced blend of green spaces, business centers and residential areas.

Overland Park has 80+ parks and open spaces, including the Arboretum and Botanical Gardens. The city also has a lot of restaurants, shopping areas and cultural attractions. 

However, Overland Park is facing a serious substance abuse problem. The city authorities are working with local institutions and nonprofits to develop strategies and programs to address this issue.

Substance Abuse in Overland Park, Kansas

Substance abuse is a serious issue in Overland Park, Kansas, just as it is across the country. There are many substances that people abuse, including legal things like prescription drugs and alcohol, as well as illegal drugs. Here, we explore the most frequently abused substances in Overland Park and provide relevant local and state statistics.


Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused substances in Overland Park and in Kansas in general. According to the Johnson County Department of Health and Environment, 17.4% of adults in the county were binge drinkers as of 2020, which is higher when compared to the state of Kansas as a whole.  

Opioids & Prescription Drugs

As is the case nationwide, opioid and prescription drug abuse continues to escalate in the Overland Park area. The rate of drug overdose deaths in Kansas state has almost tripled in recent years, and there have been significant increases in overdoses due to synthetic opioids like fentanyl.  


Marijuana is another frequently misused drug. As of 2019-2020, SAMHSA data showed that 10.42% of Kansans aged 12+ had used marijuana within the last month. Additionally, 16.20% had used the drug within the past year.  


Methamphetamine, while less commonly abused than alcohol, opioids and marijuana, still plays a significant role in substance misuse in Overland Park.  As of 2020, 1.12% of those aged 12 and older in Kansas had used methamphetamine within the last year. 

Overland Park is actively working to reduce substance abuse and improve residents’ health through education and resources.

Warning Signs of Substance Abuse

Overland Park, Kansas, residents should be alert to several warning signs when assessing the potential for substance abuse in their community. These manifestations can be quite diverse, typically encompassing physical and behavioral changes. Five common signs that someone may be struggling with substance abuse include:

  • Behavioral changes: Significant shifts in habits, mood or social circles might indicate substance abuse. This may include increased secrecy, an uncharacteristic outburst of anger or new friends with different lifestyles.
  • Performance issues: Unexpected declines in work or school performance can be a clear sign of substance misuse. Reduced productivity, frequent absenteeism, or a sudden disinterest in previously enjoyed activities could indicate a problem.
  • Health changes: Obvious transformations in physical appearance, like sudden weight loss/gain or declining personal hygiene, are other warning signs. Frequent unsteady walking, slurred speech or shaking hands could be the result of substance misuse.
  • Financial difficulties: Unexplained financial troubles, even in the face of regular income, can be an indication of substance abuse. Regular requests for financial support without obvious reasons may be a concern.
  • Legal issues: This could be a sign if a person starts encountering legal problems that are out of character. Substance abuse can lead to criminal behavior, such as theft to support the habit or charges for driving under the influence.

If you or someone you know is exhibiting these signs, seeking professional help is crucial. Reach out to SAMHSA by calling their 24/7 helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357). You can also connect with DCCCA First Step at Lake View located right here in Overland Park, Kansas. 

Early intervention can help prevent the progression of substance abuse and support recovery.

Alcohol Addiction Treatments Near Overland Park, Kansas

The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab offers medication-assisted treatment and various therapies for alcohol addiction. Both outpatient and residential rehab options are available.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

MAT, or medication-assisted treatment, is a treatment for alcohol addiction that involves using FDA-approved medications together with counseling and behavioral therapies. The goal is to reduce cravings and manage withdrawal symptoms.  Some drugs used may include Disulfiram, Naltrexone and Acamprosate. However, using such medications should always be under the guidance of a healthcare professional.


Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, is commonly used in alcohol addiction treatment. It helps individuals better understand their addiction and behaviors leading to alcohol use. Some types of psychotherapy used in reducing alcohol addiction include: 

Support Groups

Support groups can also play an integral role as part of an overall treatment plan. They provide a platform for people going through similar experiences to relate, share, provide comfort and motivate each other toward recovery.

Outpatient and Residential Rehabilitation

Outpatient treatment allows individuals to live at home and attend treatment sessions at scheduled times. On the other hand, residential rehab provides an intensive, structured treatment environment where individuals reside at the rehab center for the length of their program. Depending on the severity and nature of the addiction, a healthcare professional can suggest either outpatient treatment or residential rehabilitation.

It’s important to note that each person’s journey to recovery is unique. The most effective treatment plan may be a combination of the options listed above, tailored to the individual’s specific needs and circumstances.

This information is intended to provide general awareness and is not a substitute for medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

The Opioid Epidemic in Overland Park, Kansas

Overland Park, like many cities across the U.S., is struggling with a growing opioid epidemic. Opioids, which include prescription pain medications and illegal drugs like heroin, cause a dangerous and sometimes fatal form of addiction. The federal government declared the crisis a public health emergency in 2017. 

Opioid Overdose Deaths in Overland Park

According to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, opioid-related deaths are increasing in Kansas. This data includes Johnson County, where Overland Park is located. Johnson County is ranked as being at medium risk for opioid-related deaths. To help those struggling with opioid addiction, various local, state and federal efforts are in place.

Opioid Addiction Treatment Options in Overland Park, Kansas

Despite the severity of the opioid crisis in Overland Park, many options for opioid treatment are available. These include:

Medical Detox

Medical detox for opioid use disorder includes 24/7 medical care and supervision to treat withdrawal symptoms. A safe, comfortable and drug-free environment facilitates a successful detox experience.

Residential Rehab

A residential rehab program offers a residential setting that’s carefully structured and focused on healing individuals from opioid misuse.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

As a step down from residential treatment, PHP provides patients more free time and independence as they begin to self-manage their recovery.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

IOP offers more flexibility as you step down from the intensity of residential or PHP care. This type of program balances an intensive level of opioid addiction treatment with your outside responsibilities.

Dual Diagnosis

The symptoms associated with co-occurring mental health disorders may worsen opioid abuse. We offer a dual diagnosis program that treats mental health and opioid addiction symptoms together to optimize recovery outcomes.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

When patients have a severe opioid use disorder, they may benefit from approved medications. When medically appropriate, these medications can help reduce cravings and the risk of relapse.


After completing rehab for opioid addiction, we support you by providing referrals to treatment providers, information about support groups, relapse prevention plans and aftercare resources like our Nobu app.

Government Resources for the Opioid Epidemic

SAMHSA can be a valuable resource for those seeking opioid treatment programs in the U.S. The organization offers an online database that includes information on programs located in Overland Park. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) also provides guidance on how to obtain assistance with opioid addiction or overdose. 

SAMHSA is an organization that can help you find treatment programs for opioid addiction in the United States. They have a website where you can search for programs in Overland Park. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) can also guide you in helping anyone struggling with opioid addiction.

The road to recovery might seem daunting, but numerous resources and support systems exist to assist those living with opioid addiction. With the right help and determination, overcoming opioid addiction can become a reality.

Find Lasting Recovery in Overland Park, Kansas

Here in Overland Park, Kansas, we at The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab firmly believe that recovery isn’t simply a journey but a destination taken one step at a time. Wherever you are in your path, we’re committed to standing by your side, offering hope and dedicated support in pursuit of lasting recovery.

Our Kansas City facility offers evidence-based treatments tailored to your unique needs. We also have a variety of amenities, including a full outdoor basketball court, an exercise gym and yoga and art therapy. Our specialized programs will have you well on your way to lasting recovery.

Struggles with addiction can feel isolating, but please know you’re not alone. We strongly encourage you to take the next step toward your new life. Our Recovery Advocates are always here to help, providing guidance and support on your journey toward recovery. Reach out today to break the chains of addiction.


United States Drug Enforcement Administration.” Kansas City.” Accessed December 10, 2023. 

Johnson County Department of Health and Environment. “Health is Hard when addiction is a struggle.”  Accessed December 10, 2023. 

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. “Kansas.” 2020. Accessed December 10, 2023.

National Institute on Drug Abuse. “What Are the Signs of Having a Problem With Drugs?” January 4, 2021. Accessed December 10, 2023. 

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. “Medications for Substance Use Disorders.” October 3, 2023. Accessed December 10, 2023. 

National Library of Medicine. “Drug Use and Addiction.” November 15, 2019. Accessed December 10, 2023. 

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. “Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder.” 2020. Accessed December 10, 2023. 

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. “Intensive Outpatient Treatment and the Continuum of Care.” National Library of Medicine, 2006. Accessed December 10, 2023. 

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. “Ongoing Emergencies & Disasters.” September 6, 2023. Accessed December 10, 2023. 

Kansas Department of Health and Environment. “Kansas County Opioid Mortality Vulnerability Assessment.” September 2022. Accessed December 10, 2023.