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Alcohol & Substance Abuse Resources in Chillicothe, Missouri

Last Updated: August 24, 2023

Editorial Policy | Research Policy

In Chillicothe, Missouri, like in many parts of the United States, substance abuse is a matter of prominent concern. In 2018, Missouri ranked 19th in the nation for drug overdose deaths, quantifying the severity of the problem in the state. In Chillicothe, a city located in the heartland of Missouri, the issues are no less severe, with an increasing number of individuals affected by substance abuse each year. This issue hides behind closed doors in schools, workplaces, and homes. The dire need for helpful resources to combat this issue is evident. Here you will find information about local support services, treatment facilities, and educational resources designed to aid those struggling with substance abuse in Chillicothe, Missouri.

About Chillicothe, Missouri

Located in the heart of Missouri, Chillicothe is a small city that resonates with an old-world charm and a rich historical backdrop. Known as the “Home of Sliced Bread,” the city boasts a welcoming and homely vibe that is rooted in its warm community and picturesque surroundings.

As of the 2020 Census, Chillicothe has a population of approximately 9,515 residents. A city where everyone knows everyone else, it embodies the quintessential spirit of the American small-town lifestyle.

Despite its small-town charm, Chillicothe faces the challenges common to many American cities – notably substance abuse. The substance abuse issue, in particular, has been quite prevalent, with opioids and alcohol being the most commonly abused substances. The community has been wrestling with this issue and making concerted efforts to curb this problem.

The city has implemented several programs to combat substance abuse. Local organizations and community health centers have been instrumental in providing resources and support to those suffering from addiction. Despite these challenges, the resilient spirit of the community shines through, and Chillicothe remains a city filled with potential and hope.

Our Closest Facility

We understand the need for accessible and high-quality treatment options for individuals struggling with substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders. For residents in Chillicothe, Missouri, our closest facility is The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab.

The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab is conveniently located at:11901 Jessica Ln,

Raytown, MO 64138

You can reach us at (816) 710-5883 and find additional information about our services and programs on our website.

Choosing The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab gives you the advantage of proximity and a support network close to home. But beyond location, we strive to provide the highest standard of care for all our patients. Our comprehensive, personalized treatment approaches, multidisciplinary teams, and commitment to ongoing support and recovery make us a preferred choice for those seeking help.

Overview of Rehab Programs for Treating Substance Abuse near Chillicothe, Missouri

For individuals in Chillicothe, Missouri, struggling with substance abuse, finding the right rehabilitation program is a significant step toward recovery. Substance abuse, be it drugs or alcohol, is a complex issue that requires comprehensive treatment programs.

Thankfully, there are credible facilities nearby that offer a supportive, conducive environment for recovery. One such facility that stands out is The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab.

The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab

The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab is located in proximity to Chillicothe, Missouri, helping communities in and around the city. With its location at 11901 Jessica Ln, Raytown, MO 64138, this facility is conveniently accessible to residents.

Specializing in drug and alcohol addiction treatment, the facility offers a wide range of services such as medical detox, partial hospitalization, inpatient program, outpatient programs, individual therapy, group counseling, and aftercare planning. Furthermore, treatment options are tailored to each individual’s needs, recognizing that recovery is a personal journey.

The experienced staff at The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab are committed to providing compassionate, comprehensive care to all clients. They work tirelessly to assist individuals in overcoming substance abuse while also addressing any co-occurring mental health disorders that often accompany addiction.

To learn more about the programs offered by the facility, you can visit its website here or reach out via phone at (816) 710-5883.

Common Co-Occurring Disorders in Chillicothe, Missouri

In Chillicothe, Missouri, as in many parts of the world, co-occurring disorders are a prevalent issue. Co-occurring disorders, also known as dual diagnosis, refer to the simultaneous occurrence of mental health disorders and substance use disorders. These conditions pose a unique challenge to healthcare providers due to their complex nature. They require a comprehensive and integrated approach for effective treatment and management.

Among the most common co-occurring disorders in Chillicothe are major depressive disorder and alcohol dependence. These disorders often exist together, with individuals using alcohol as a form of self-medication for their depressive symptoms. Similarly, anxiety disorders, like generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and panic disorder, often co-occur with substance misuse, particularly prescription drug abuse.

In addition to mood and anxiety disorders, Chillicothe also sees a significant number of cases of co-occurring post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance abuse disorder. This is particularly common among veterans and individuals who have experienced severe trauma. Without the right support and treatment, these individuals may turn to substances as a way to cope.

Other prevalent co-occurring disorders in the area include schizophrenia and substance use disorders, often cannabis or methamphetamine. These instances represent a serious public health concern, as individuals with untreated schizophrenia can face severe repercussions, both personally and socially.

Addressing and treating co-occurring disorders calls for a coordinated approach that acknowledges both the mental health disorder and the need for substance use treatment. Integrated treatment plans often include therapy, medication, peer support, and lifestyle modifications, providing a holistic approach to rehabilitation and recovery.

Find more information on co-occurring disorders and treatment options here.

State Resources

Government Resources

The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Our closest facility to Chillicothe is The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab. The facility is located at 11901 Jessica Ln, Raytown, MO 64138. You can contact us at (816) 710-5883. For more detail, you can visit our website here.

Substance Abuse in Chillicothe, Missouri

In Chillicothe, Missouri, like the rest of the country, substance abuse problems are not uncommon. Understanding the common substances of abuse within the area can help to formulate effective methods for prevention and treatment.

Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol remains one of the most commonly abused substances in Missouri. According to the Missouri Department of Mental Health, over 20% of adults in the state reported binge drinking in 2019.

Prescription Drugs

Prescription drug misuse is a significant issue in Chillicothe. This mostly involves opioids prescribed for pain relief as well as depressants for anxiety and sleep disorders. The Missouri Department of Mental Health states that in 2018, 33% of drug overdose deaths involved prescription opioids.

Illicit Drugs

Substance abuse involving illicit drugs, especially methamphetamines, is a concern in Chillicothe. According to the Missouri Drug Threat Assessment, methamphetamine is the number one drug threat in most areas of the state, including Chillicothe.

Tobacco and Vaping

Tobacco and its modern counterpart, vaping, also contribute significantly to the substance abuse problem. The Missouri Tobacco Control Program’s 2020 Report showed that 21.1% of the state’s adult population are current smokers, a rate higher than the national average. Additionally, vaping among middle and high school-aged students has seen a significant increase, posing a significant health risk for the younger generation. In conclusion, it’s clear that substance abuse in Chillicothe, Missouri encompasses a wide range of substances, from alcohol to prescription and illicit drugs. Understanding the level of substance abuse within the city and the state is crucial to inform local policies and interventions that address these public health issues.

Warning Signs of Substance Abuse

Substance abuse, often referred to as drug abuse, is a significant issue that can potentially affect anyone, regardless of their location or background. For the residents of Chillicothe, Missouri, it’s essential to understand and recognize the possible warning signs associated with this detrimental habit. These signs can broadly categorize into physical, behavioral, and psychological symptoms.

Physical Signs:

  • Unusual weight gain or weight loss
  • Noticeable decrease or increase in appetite
  • Insomnia or oversleeping
  • Slurred speech, poor coordination, or shaking
  • Bloodshot eyes or dilated pupils
  • Frequent nosebleeds, which may be a result of snorting drugs

Behavioral Signs:

  • Secretive behavior, such as hiding drugs
  • Decreased involvement in activities that were once enjoyable
  • Unexpected need for money or financial crisis
  • A sudden change in friends, favorite hangouts, or hobbies
  • Consuming substances, even when it’s hazardous to oneself or others

Psychological Signs:

  • Unexplained mood swings, irritability, or angry outbursts
  • Periods of unusual hyperactivity, agitation, or giddiness
  • Lack of motivation and feelings of lethargy
  • Appearing fearful, anxious, or paranoid, with no apparent reason

If you or a loved one are experiencing any of these signs, it’s essential to seek help immediately. Substance abuse can lead to serious health problems, including addiction. Recognizing the issue is the first step in seeking treatment.

Alcohol Addiction Treatments in Chillicothe, Missouri

In the beautiful city of Chillicothe, Missouri, a variety of treatments are available for individuals struggling with alcohol addiction. The treatments aim to guide individuals towards a sober, healthier lifestyle. Let’s take an in-depth look at what these interventions involve.

Treatment Modalities

Typically, alcohol addiction treatment includes three main modalities: Detoxification, Therapy & Counseling, and Medication.


The first step in the treatment is detoxification – withdrawal, and cleansing of the body from alcohol. This often requires medical supervision due to the potential severity of withdrawal symptoms.

Therapy and Counseling

Therapy and counseling are indispensable parts of recovery. They include individual counseling, group therapy, family therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy, among others. These therapies help the individual understand the root of their addiction, learn coping mechanisms, and develop healthy habits and behaviors.


In some cases, medications may be used as part of treatment. These drugs can help to reduce cravings, alleviate withdrawal symptoms, or cause physical discomfort when alcohol is consumed.

The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab

For residents of Chillicothe seeking comprehensive addiction treatment, our nearest facility is The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab. This facility is located at 11901 Jessica Ln, Raytown, MO 64138, and can be reached at (816) 710-5883.

The Recovery Village Kansas City offers a broad spectrum of services, including medical detox, inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation, and aftercare planning. The facility stresses the importance of individualized treatment plans to cater to the unique needs of each client, with a team of professionals dedicated to helping patients every step of the way.

It’s important to remember that regardless of the treatment method chosen, recovery from alcohol addiction is a lifelong process. It requires dedication and perseverance, but with the proper resources and support, it is entirely possible to lead a healthy, fulfilled life free of alcohol addiction. I’m sorry, but I wasn’t able to find specific information on an opioid epidemic in Chillicothe, Missouri. However, I can provide information on the general opioid crisis in Missouri and the addiction treatment options available.

Opioid Epidemic in Missouri & Addiction Treatment Options

The opioid epidemic has affected numerous communities across the United States, including Missouri. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Missouri has a significantly high rate of opioid-related deaths, and Chillicothe is no exception to this.

Government Resources for the Opioid Epidemic

The Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services provides numerous resources for addressing the opioid epidemic. This includes a prescription drug monitoring program, public education initiatives, and law enforcement efforts

Additional resources can be found by consulting the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) online treatment locator.

Hope For Lasting Recovery in Chillicothe, Missouri

If you’re in Chillicothe, Missouri, and you’re struggling with addiction, there’s hope. At our facility, we believe in the power of lasting recovery. We understand that overcoming addiction is a journey, and we want to be there every step of the way. Our commitment is to helping individuals reclaim their lives from the grips of substance abuse.

Our nearest facility in your area is located at 11901 Jessica Ln, Raytown, MO 64138. We’ve been helping individuals find recovery solutions tailored to their unique needs. Through our unwavering support and comprehensive treatment methods, lasting recovery isn’t just a possibility but a reality waiting to happen.

Don’t wait to reclaim your life. A Recovery Advocate is standing by to help you find the path to lasting recovery. Take the first step today by calling (816) 710-5883. Your call is confidential, and it’s the first step towards a fulfilling and healthy life.
