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Binge Drinking: Signs, Symptoms, Prevention & Treatment

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

Editorial Policy | Research Policy

Binge drinking increases the alcohol in your bloodstream so quickly that it can impact the normal function of your body and mind.

Binge drinking is a dangerous pattern of alcohol consumption that is popular with college students and heavy alcohol users. It can lead to serious physical and mental health complications and increase the risk of alcohol poisoning. Because of the dangerous nature of binge drinking, it is important to understand what it is and the effects it can have.

What Is Binge Drinking?

Binge drinking is consuming a substantial amount of alcohol quickly, leading to a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) above the legal limit of 0.08% or higher. Binge drinking is defined as consuming five or more drinks within two hours if you’re male or four or more drinks if you’re female. It’s a dangerous and harmful practice that can lead to numerous immediate and long-term health risks.

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Why Do People Binge Drink?

People binge drink for different reasons. Someone might binge drink to cope with stress because of peer pressure or escape from emotional pain. Increased availability of alcohol in social settings can also encourage people to consume excessive amounts, especially in college, where binge drinking is prevalent. 

Who Binge Drinks?

Binge drinking is widespread among different age groups and demographics. Those more likely to binge drink include males, younger adults aged 18–34 and households with a higher income ($75,000 or more). It is particularly prevalent among college students, where the pressure to conform, the desire to socialize and increased freedom can lead to excessive drinking.

Effects of Binge Drinking

Many people treat binge drinking as if it is all fun and games. Unfortunately, binge drinking can have many harmful effects. Understanding the impact of using too much alcohol is important, as these effects can be permanent or even life-threatening. 

What Does Binge Drinking Do to the Body?

Binge drinking increases the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream to such an extent that it can impact the normal function of your body and mind. It can suppress your normal functions so much that you cannot remember things, act safely or, in severe cases, breathe.

Short-Term Health Effects of Binge Drinking

In the short term, binge drinking can lead to poor coordination, impaired judgment and blackouts. You might experience nausea, vomiting and even pass out. In extreme situations, binge drinking can cause alcohol poisoning, affecting your breathing and resulting in death if not treated quickly.

Long-Term Health Effects of Binge Drinking

Repeated binge drinking can increase your risk of developing chronic diseases such as liver cirrhosis, cardiovascular disease and several types of cancer. Additionally, it can lead to alcohol dependence and alcohol use disorders, affecting your overall quality of life.

A single episode of binge drinking on its own is unlikely to have long-term health effects unless something dangerous happens during that episode. For example, impaired coordination coupled with poor judgment could lead to a head injury that affects you for the rest of your life. 

How Does Binge Drinking Affect Mental Wellness?

Binge drinking can impact your mental well-being, leading to mood swings, depression and anxiety. Binge drinking can also quickly become a crutch you depend on to cope with stress or socialize. This can make you emotionally dependent on binge drinking and decrease your coping ability.

What Are the Social Consequences of Binge Drinking?

Binge drinking is often done in a social situation; however, many potential negative effects exist. Drinking that gets out of control can strain your relationships with family and friends and lead to social isolation. The decreased inhibition caused by binge drinking can result in sexual encounters that you might not typically consider, leading to strained relationships and even unplanned children. Binge drinking can also increase your risk of legal troubles or affect your work or school performance.

Can Binge Drinking Cause Death?

Binge drinking can be fatal. Alcohol poisoning almost always occurs when you have high amounts of alcohol in a short period, making binge drinking the most significant risk factor for this deadly condition. Additionally, binge drinking can cause accidents or violence that can result in death. The risk of life-threatening situations exponentially increases when you consume alcohol excessively in a short period.

10 Warning Signs You May Have a Binge Drinking Problem

Binge drinking can be dangerous. Here are 10 warning signs that you might have a binge drinking problem:

  1. Frequent episodes of excessive drinking: You regularly consume large amounts of alcohol in a short period, typically five or more drinks in two hours for men or four or more for women.
  2. Memory blackouts: You experience periods during which you cannot recall events that occurred while you were drinking.
  3. Neglecting responsibilities: You often neglect your home, work or school responsibilities due to your drinking habits.
  4. Continued binge drinking despite negative consequences: You continue to binge drink excessively even though it has led to interpersonal problems or put you in dangerous situations.
  5. Increased tolerance: You must consume more alcohol to feel its effects, indicating a growing tolerance.
  6. Inability to cut back: You have tried to reduce your frequency of binge drinking episodes or the amount you drink but cannot.
  7. Experiencing withdrawal symptoms: You experience withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, sweating, nausea or insomnia when you go without alcohol for some time.
  8. Legal problems: You face legal issues, such as DUIs or public intoxication charges, due to binge drinking.
  9. Strained relationships: Your drinking causes tension or problems in your relationships with friends, family or colleagues.
  10. Prioritizing drinking over other activities: You often choose binge drinking over other activities and obligations, occupying a significant amount of your time.

If you recognize several of these signs in your behavior, you should consider seeking advice and support from a professional specializing in addiction. They can help assess your drinking patterns and recommend appropriate treatment or intervention strategies.

Binge Drinking Prevention

Preventing binge drinking will involve either learning to moderate your alcohol use or stopping alcohol altogether. People who binge drink occasionally and go without drinking for several days at a time may be able to cut back, while those with an addiction may need to stop alcohol altogether.

Manage Your Alcohol Intake

If you can regularly go without alcohol for several days at a time, you may be able to prevent binge drinking just by being more disciplined. This doesn’t work for everyone; however, it may be for some. Managing your alcohol intake involves setting a hard limit for yourself, keeping track of how many drinks you’ve had and sticking to the limit you set.

Seek Treatment for Binge Drinking

The fun of binge drinking can quickly devolve into an addiction. If you find it hard to cut back on your drinking or are binge drinking even though it is causing negative effects, you should consider seeking treatment. Overcoming addiction gets harder the longer you continue; don’t delay seeking help.

At The Recovery Village Kansas City, we understand the difficulties someone developing addiction faces. Our caring, professional staff are committed to helping you overcome your addiction and achieve freedom from the effects of alcohol. Contact us today to learn more about how you can take control of alcohol before it gains control over you.


National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. “Alcohol’s Effects on Health: Drinking Levels Defined.” 2023. Accessed September 7, 2023.

Drinkaware. “Binge drinking.” June 30, 2022. Accessed September 7, 2023.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. “Alcohol’s Effects on Health: Understanding Binge Drinking.” March 2023. Accessed September 7, 2023.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. “Alcohol’s Effects on Health: Understanding the Dangers of Alcohol Overdose.” January 2023. Accessed September 7, 2023.

Berman, Jacob. “Alcohol withdrawal.” MedlinePlus, February 28, 2023. Accessed September 7, 2023.